What to Expect (FAQ)
Got a question about a career with us? Here are some FAQs where you may find the answers. 

We constantly update our career page with the current job openings. Please go the the respective tabs above to see what’s available.

Our internship and Protege programme are highly sought after because of the opportunities and wealth of experience our trainees will get! Openings for both positions are all year round. To apply, please submit your application to career@plus.com.my

To ensure safety and comfort for our applicants, we currently offer both physical and hybrid interviews. We encourage applicants to let us know what they are comfortable with. However, some interviews will require you to be present physically. But rest assure that all measures will be taken to ensure safety for all.

We have many roles within PLUS that doesn’t involve engineering or any other technical skills. So long as you show potential and there’s a position where your skills will come in handy, we are excited to meet you and find out how you can contribute to PLUS.

The average turn-around time is approximately two weeks from the point of interview. This however will vary should there be other unforeseen circumstances e.g. repeat medical check-up required or others. This duration also exclude candidate’s resignation notice period to the current employer.

Please submit your application to career@plus.com.my with your latest resume and supporting documents e.g. academic certificates and transcripts.